
An R Package for Ecotaxa & Ecopart Processing. UVP User Workshop 2022

A Common Language

  • Collaborative projects
  • Common code for open science
  • Ease-of-use

Current Configuration:


  • Available on github
  • Primarily focused on the UVP
  • particularly built out for zooplankton processing

Package Basics

Package Basics with UVP

  • Focus on raw-data export
  • Files downloaded go in a directory
  • A class/object structure to navigate R

Package Basics with UVP

ecopart_obj class structure:

Package Basics with UVP

ecopart_obj class structure:

  • Applying functions across all profiles
  • Quickly summarize data
  • Requires looping

Package Basics with UVP

Code Considerations:

  • Readability
  • Minimalize dependancies
  • Pipe friendly |>
  • Rely on lapply()

Package tools

Package tools

Project management:

Package tools

Project management:

  • Quickly pull information

Package tools

Project management:

  • Quickly pull information
  • Manage metadata

Package tools

Project management:

  • Quickly pull information
  • Manage metadata
  • Relabel categories

Package tools

Project management:

  • Quickly pull information
  • Manage metadata
  • Relabel categories
  • Calculating Functions
    • Biovolume

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa
  • Calculate Concentrations

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa
  • Calculate Concentrations
  • Averaging Profiles

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa
  • Calculate Concentrations
  • Averaging Profiles
  • Depth-integration

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa
  • Calculate Concentrations
  • Averaging Profiles
  • Depth-integration

Package tools

Summary & Analysis

  • Relative Taxa
  • Calculate Concentrations
  • Averaging Profiles
  • Depth-integration

Example Applications

Case 1:

Goal: Get relative abundance of key living taxa

Case 1:

Start with an ecopart_obj

rel_data <- ecopart_example

Case 1:

  1. Drop non-living
rel_data <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(func = names_drop, drop_names = 'not-living', drop_children = T) |>

Case 1:

  1. Relabel remaining taxa
rel_data <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(func = names_drop, drop_names = 'not-living', drop_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(func = names_to, 
            new_names = c('Copepoda', 'Eumalacostraca','Chaetognatha', 'Rhizaria',
                          'Crustacea','Trichodesmium', 'living'),
            suppress_print = T) |>

Case 1:

  1. Merge all casts
rel_data <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(func = names_drop, drop_names = 'not-living', drop_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(func = names_to, 
            new_names = c('Copepoda', 'Eumalacostraca','Chaetognatha', 'Rhizaria',
                          'Crustacea','Trichodesmium', 'living'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    merge_casts(name_map = list(all_casts = ecopart_example$meta$profileid)) |>

Case 1:

  1. Calculate relative data
rel_data <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(func = names_drop, drop_names = 'not-living', drop_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(func = names_to,
            new_names = c('Copepoda', 'Eumalacostraca','Chaetognatha', 'Rhizaria',
                          'Crustacea','Trichodesmium', 'living'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    merge_casts(name_map = list(all_casts = ecopart_example$meta$profileid)) |>

Case 1:

rel_data <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(func = names_drop, drop_names = 'not-living', drop_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(func = names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Copepoda', 'Eumalacostraca','Chaetognatha', 'Rhizaria',
                          'Crustacea','Trichodesmium', 'living'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    merge_casts(name_map = list(all_casts = ecopart_example$meta$profileid)) |>
taxa rel_abundance
Rhizaria 0.3544304
Copepoda 0.2516754
Trichodesmium 0.1999255
living 0.1124348
Chaetognatha 0.0282949
Eumalacostraca 0.0279226
Crustacea 0.0253165

Case 2:

Goal: Calculate depth-integrated biovolume of rhizaria taxa

Case 2:

  1. Keep only rhizaria
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>

Case 2:

  1. Relabel to new groups
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>

Case 2:

  1. Calculate biovolume
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    add_zoo(biovolume, col_name = 'biovol', shape = "sphere", pixel_mm = 0.92) |>

Case 2:

  1. Calculate biovolume concentration
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    add_zoo(biovolume, col_name = 'biovol', shape = "sphere", pixel_mm = 0.92) |>
    uvp_zoo_conc(cast_name = c('bats361_ctd1', 'bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5',
                               'bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'),
                func_col = 'biovol', func = sum,
                breaks = seq(0,1200,25)) |>

Case 2:

  1. Average by station
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    add_zoo(biovolume, col_name = 'biovol', shape = "sphere", pixel_mm = 0.92) |>
    uvp_zoo_conc(cast_name = c('bats361_ctd1', 'bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5',
                               'bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'),
                func_col = 'biovol', func = sum,
                breaks = seq(0,1200,25)) |>
    average_casts(name_map = list(
        station_A = c('bats361_ctd1, bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5'),
        station_B = c('bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'))) |>

Case 2:

  1. Integrate casts
integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    add_zoo(biovolume, col_name = 'biovol', shape = "sphere", pixel_mm = 0.92) |>
    uvp_zoo_conc(cast_name = c('bats361_ctd1', 'bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5',
                               'bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'),
                func_col = 'biovol', func = sum,
                breaks = seq(0,1200,25)) |>
    average_casts(name_map = list(
        station_A = c('bats361_ctd1, bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5'),
        station_B = c('bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'))) |>
    lapply(integrate_all, need_format = T, subdivisions=1000L) |>

Case 2:

integrated_rhiz <- ecopart_example |>
    mod_zoo(names_keep, keep_names = 'Rhizaria', keep_children = T) |>
    add_zoo(names_to, col_name = 'name', 
            new_names = c('Phaeodaria','Foraminifera','Acantharea','Rhizaria','Collodaria'),
            suppress_print = T) |>
    add_zoo(biovolume, col_name = 'biovol', shape = "sphere", pixel_mm = 0.92) |>
    uvp_zoo_conc(cast_name = c('bats361_ctd1', 'bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5',
                               'bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'),
                func_col = 'biovol', func = sum,
                breaks = seq(0,1200,25)) |>
    average_casts(name_map = list(
        station_A = c('bats361_ctd1, bats361_ctd3', 'bats361_ctd5'),
        station_B = c('bats361_ctd2', 'bats361_ctd4', 'bats361_ctd6'))) |>
    lapply(integrate_all, need_format = T, subdivisions=1000L) |>
taxa intg station
Collodaria 1499653.99 station_A
Foraminifera 21861.95 station_A
Phaeodaria 101105.74 station_A
Acantharea 0.00 station_A
Rhizaria 0.00 station_A
Acantharea 95261.69 station_B
Collodaria 1278423.93 station_B
Foraminifera 21019.25 station_B
Phaeodaria 719243.76 station_B
Rhizaria 93708.84 station_B

See for yourself!

Ecotaxa Tools Tutorial

Future Directions:


  • Expand tools & scope


  • Expand tools & scope
  • Speed up functions


  • Expand tools & scope
  • Speed up functions
  • Collaborate

Contact Me:

  • AB93@email.sc.edu
  • Twitter: @TheAlexBarth
  • Web: theAlexBarth.github.io