
Calculating biovolume is made easy with the biovolume() function. This method takes in a zoo_df and will return a vector of biovolumes for each row. There are two ways to calculate biovolume; sphere or ellipsoid Finally, to calculate biovolume, you must provide a pixel-to-mm conversion ratio.

zoo_df <- ecopart_example$zoo_files[[1]]
biovol <- biovolume(input = zoo_df,
                    shape = 'ellipsoid',
                    pixel_mm = unique(ecopart_example$meta$acq_pixel))

biovol |> summary()
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.1929  0.4379  0.5601  0.8353  0.7980 90.8001