
Sometimes it is useful to quickly look at what the different types of taxa are in a project. all_taxa() makes this a quick operation to pull out all the taxa from an ecopart_obj without looping or massive indexing. This function is really a special use case of get_all()

Likely, when using this function, it should be combined with unique().

ecopart_example |>
    all_taxa() |>
 [1] "detritus"                "badfocus<artefact"      
 [3] "light<detritus"          "solitaryglobule"        
 [5] "tuff"                    "Eumalacostraca"         
 [7] "feces"                   "fiber<detritus"         
 [9] "Copepoda"                "Aulacanthidae"          
[11] "puff"                    "Collodaria"             
[13] "duplicate"               "Chaetognatha"           
[15] "other<living"            "Rhizaria"               
[17] "colonial<Rhizaria"       "Acantharea"             
[19] "Aulosphaeridae"          "darksphere"             
[21] "Ostracoda"               "Aulacantha"             
[23] "Coelographis"            "Eucalanidae"            
[25] "head<Chaetognatha"       "Castanellidae"          
[27] "Coelodendridae"          "Actinopterygii"         
[29] "Phaeodaria"              "temp circle"            
[31] "tail<Chaetognatha"       "house"                  
[33] "Crustacea"               "Foraminifera"           
[35] "Medusettidae"            "Cnidaria<Hydrozoa"      
[37] "Cnidaria<Metazoa"        "solitaryblack"          
[39] "Pteropoda"               "Coelodendrum"           
[41] "Ctenophora<Metazoa"      "colonial<Aulosphaeridae"
[43] "Aulatractus"             "Alciopidae"             
[45] "Pelagia"                 "artefact"               
[47] "Siphonophorae"           "bubble"                 
[49] "Poeobius"                "Annelida"               
[51] "Cannosphaeridae"         "Salpida"