Select Biomass Profiles

Select Biomass profiles of comparable taxa are shown when measured by the MOCNESS/ZOOSCAN and the UVP. UVP estimates were calculated two ways. In one method, similar UVP casts are pooled then the biomass concentration of organisms in a depth bin were calculated. \[\frac{\sum_{i}^{N}biomass_{i}}{\sum_{i}^{N}volume sampled_{i}}\] The other method, density is calculated in individual uvp casts, then averaged between all similar casts: \[\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{biomass_{i}}{volume sampled_{i}}}{N}\] For all i casts, with a total of N casts.

Biomass was calculuated following Maas et al. 2021 for Annelids, Chaetognaths, Copepods, and Shrimp-like crustaceans.

rm(list = ls())
plot_list <- readRDS('../Output/main_fig_06_profile-biomass-comparison.rds')
grid_theme <- theme(legend.position = 'none')
plot_grid(plot_list$July_Day_A_Copepoda+ grid_theme,
          plot_list$June_Night_Chaetognatha+ grid_theme,
          plot_list$`July_Night_Ostra/Clado`+theme(legend.position = c(.75,.25)),
          ncol = 2)

Select Profiles are shown to highlight cases for each taxa. All casts can be seen in Supplemental Figure 7.